We are always looking for help on the day of Matsuri!
What do Volunteers do in Matsuri?
Volunteering in Matsuri

Matsuri's primarily intend is to provide a "place" and "experience" for all to interchange cultural understandings and inspire children, the traditional Japanese values. So, Matsuri is a free-entrance event, and as the scale of the event enlarges, we ask for help from the volunteers to run the event with us.

On the day of the festival, not only the members of the ACJ, who works for free, but also many volunteers helped us eveyr year. In 2023, we havd more thant 100 voolunteers, including exchange students from Japan.
Register as Volunteers through this form
For questions regarding volunteering, please email us at
FAQ for Volunteers
All Volunteers will get a Volunteer - T Shirt 2024 version, to be worn duwing the day of the event. It is expected to be warm on the day of Matsuri so we recommend bringing, sun screens, hat, towels. Please note that Matsuri is not responsible ofr losses of your personal bellonging during the envet.
Yes, the break will be provided with an indications by the section leaders, which includes, free water and snacks (Onigiris/rice balls) available.
Don't Worrry! We will distribute to the booths with adequate language profficientcy. This means that there would be other volunteers in the same booth to help you with communciation.
Please see the form above regaridng the desired jobs section.
Furtehr details will be confirmed closer to the event, but before start working, please come to the information booth and receive your T-shirt, name tag and drink ticket. Dismissal will be done at each booth, so please check in with the section leader-for details.
Please contact the email:
Generally all volunteers in Matsuri is non-paid, yet for volunteers for the food booth with direct contract with the booth owner is paid. Or the after event clean up, which lasts until later at the night with more physical labor is paid to recompensate these works.