JUNE 15 & 16 2024
Barcelona, Moll de la Fusta
Activities in 10th Anviersery Edition:
Come discover the traditional culture of Japan in this open-air & free festival in the center of Barcelona.
Traditional dance, Bon Odori unites
everyone to dance in a circle
around the stage!
Stage performances attracts people
into Moll de la Frusta! Matsuri
allows to experience traditional
Japanese festival, which is even
dimishing in japanese society as well.
Events in the kids stage includes Suikawari,
where kids intends to smash watermellons
We have local performers and also performers
comming from Japan as well! For both of them,
Matusri is a excellent opportunities to
experience cultural exchange.
Powerfull sound of Wadaiko, Japanese
drumb can be heared across all the venue.
We have Japanese dancers comming from Japan,
perfoming traditional dance
What to expect of Matsuri Barcelona?
Fun activities for everyone
In Matsuri, there is food stands to performances stages covering wide aspects of japanese cultrues. There is also, kids booths to welcome families and allow them to experience the traditional japanese festival enviornment for all ages.
Authentic Experience
Matsuri offers unique experienece for everyone. Especilaly, for the people living in Spain, no mattter if they are japanese or not, through cultural exchange in Matsuri, it provides authenitic experience of traditional japanese festival which is also diminishing in Japan as well.
10 Years History, Intercganfing in Barcelona
Since 2013, MATSURI always been a special event that connect two cultures, loal ones form Barcelona and from Japan. We started as a small event, but now with the help with the volunteers and the oragniaser, Asociaciñon Cultura Japonesa (ACJ), we have more thatn 30,000 visitors on Matsuri.
Location & Venue
MATSURI 2024 will take place in Moll de la Fusta, near by Barceloneta!
How to get to Matsuri?

Matsuri is still recruiting any venders to host a booth, if you are interested please check the stands section. Further details of the booth sections will be updated soon.
Venue Map Still Under Process
Discover the Booths
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